Modular Cleanroom Design & Construction

We offer both hardwall and softwall modular cleanrooms to suit your needs in every industry. 

Quality Cleanroom Design, Manufacturing And Installation Since 2006;
Aseptic Filling, Sterile Manufacturing, CGMP Cleanrooms

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Cleanroom Design, Build & Certification

With extensive industry knowledge that spans the entire cleanroom development process, AZVIR Clean Rooms enables organizations to successfully implement their cleanroom project on time and on budget

Cuarto limpio modular iso 7 Tijuana, tenemos alcance en Mexicali Tecate Hermosillo Monterrey Coahuila Torreón Saltillo Chihuahua Ciudad Juárez Guanajuato León Silao Querétaro Reynosa Nuevo Laredo Guadalajara Nogales
Panel Cleanroom
Softwall Cleanroom
Hardwall Cleanroom
Diseño de Cuarto Limpio Modular
Aluminio Cleanroom
Best price/quality ratio
Proyecto Ejecutivo de Cuarto Limpio ISO
18 years of experience
Sistemas epóxicos para Cuartos Limpios Tecate Tijuana, tenemos alcance en Mexicali Tecate Hermosillo Monterrey Coahuila Torreón Saltillo Chihuahua Ciudad Juárez Guanajuato León Silao Querétaro Reynosa Nuevo Laredo Guadalajara Nogales
Our projects are designed based on standards
Cleanrooms Modular ISO 7
High-Quality Construction Materials

Need a New Cleanroom Now?

Contact US


San Bruno 20055, Buenos aires Sur, Tijuana B.C.

Email :


 +52 (664 ) 805 5156

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